Contraceptive freedom

This is my story of my journey with hormonal contraception from ages 16-34.

Disclaimer: It is not a how to guide, or advice for what you should do. Our bodies, experiences and needs are all different. These are my personal circumstances and what has worked for me. It is important to note that this is all subjective, we are all wonderfully unique. So what is right for one isn’t another. Let’s celebrate our differences, listen to each others stories and advocate for our own health. Hormonal contraception is amazing and can be the best choice for so many of us and has been for me until now….

  • 16: Combined pill Microgynon - this was the go to for most first time hormonal contraceptive journeys in the UK for some time.

  • 23: I was suffering with awful migraines. I switched to a couple of different pill options and the migraines disappeared. But, sadly these pills didn’t suit me due to either side affects of bleeding or they were in short supply and I couldn’t get a regular prescription.

  • 24: I had the contraceptive implant put in my arm. This was a really easy process - although a little odd at first to have a foreign body there in my arm - able to feel it etc. I had some irregular or constant bleeding for around 6-8 weeks and then it started to regulate with periods getting lighter until I just didn’t have any.

    Peace of mind knowing that this was a long term solution.

  • 26: my partner was told he had some hormone issues and we wouldn’t know if able to conceive naturally unless we started to actually try, so we decided to have my implant removed. If it was going to take time, we could just see if it happened as both still young and able to explore other options on NHS if needed.

  • 3 weeks later - I was pregnant! It was a shock - I remember side eyeing my husband and the doctor - joking if they were making these hormone issues up. However we were delighted to welcome our eldest into the world.

  • 27: I remember, calling the doctors surgery from my bed feeding my baby who was 48 hours old, booking my implant appointment in SHARPISH! (He had been 10lb 12oz delivered vaginally and lets just say my vulva was not ready to revisit that again anytime soon!) The implant was an easy win for me. 3 years in. Quick simple procedure, painless, just some bruising. But this time post baby by bleeding didn’t settle after the 6-8 weeks like last tie. I was heavier, bigger, my hormones all over the place from birth and feeding. So we combined the implant with the Desogestrel mini pil - taken every day - 28 day packets. This settled the bleeding and worked great. When I came off the mini pill my periods stayed away. With the implant still in there doing the work.

  • 28: I was ready to get pregnant again. The waiting list for implant removal at my local surgery was around 8-12 weeks long. I am not sure why - it was 2017. We paid for it to be removed privately, as it was a simple procedure. I was ready to get cracking.

  • 3 days later - pregnant again. The swiftness of the conception baffled me. When having my implant removed my bleeding would start almost that evening. Just showing the impact of the hormones in my blood stream.

  • 29: Baby no.2 delivered via C Section - 11lb 12oz - This time I called th GP surgery from my hospital bed to book that implant appointment ASAP! I used the Desogestrel mini pill again to regulate the bleeding. And stayed with the pill & implant combination since.

  • 33: Had my implant replaced after 4 years (Covid delays!) thankful for the mini pill here for a belt & braces approach. Was advised I could come off the mini pill. But continued. On an off.

  • A few months later my husband had a Vasectomy. His idea. I had always been against it. Not because I wanted more babies (Hello 10lb 12oz/11lb 12oz !!!!!) But because if I got hit by a bus, I was worried that if he met someone else he/they may want more children. He reassured me that if he met someone that wanted more children that they would not be the person for him. He was happy with his lot!

  • I stopped taking my mini pill. Bleeding did not return but I noticed that PMS did. Nothing too bad. I could feel where I was in my cycle with mood, eating habits etc. It was nice to feel my body, going through the motions. Notice where these symptoms had once been dulled. But, a worry to see what would get worse when the implant came out.

  • 34: Vasectomy done, we get the letter that his sample is due. This was delivered safely to the lab. And after 3 weeks we found out he was sterile. This was both a relief and a little bit of a strange sadness. That chapter done. Both happy it was but also a little knowing nod to closing that chapter.

  • My implant removal was booked once we had this news. 2 weeks wait and the appointment came. An easy removal. Bleeding started that evening. A withdrawal bleed. Nothing too heavy. Lasted for 6 days.

    And so my body began its menstrual cycle without the effects of hormonal contraceptives. Here is what I have found

    SKIN: I found my skin was drier and had a couple of little flare ups, so learning to adapt my skincare regime to accommodate this as normal moisturiser didn’t touch it. I vaguely rememebred having bad skin in my teens but this was thankfully, far from the acne I had envisaged!

    SHOOTY BUM PAINS: If you know you know. I got a couple of surprise SBPs just before I was due to bleed. These little pains are thought to be to do with our hormones.

    CRAMPS: Felt but I am very lucky - in this circumstance they were not agony. Uncomfortable but in brief waves.

    PMS: Mood remained fairly stable. I feel this may have been diffferenet if I had come off the mini pill and implant at the same times.

    WEIGHT: I am the heaviest I have ever been - so was secretly hoping there would be sudden dramatic weight loss. There has not been. And actually I am not mad about it. I am learning to love my body for all it can do for me. From playing netball to dancing the night away. I have always found that the week I am due on that I am hungrier. This was still the same,

    TIREDNESS: The week of my period I was tired. Like falling asleep on the sofa at 9pm tired - this isn’t usally me - I am a night owl.

    BLEEDING: My period was heavier than expected and lasted 5 days. It was a great opportunity to test some of the period products I often talk so passionately about. I will review these in full after my next period.

    SEX: On hormonal contraception I think I had a slightly higher sex drive than without. This isn’t to say that I am less sexually active, but that I react to a build up of stimulus, communication and behaviours rather than going straight to physical touch. I have also found that I have changes to my vaginal ‘dryness’ with discharge or wetness altering according to where I am in my cycle. Giving me a easy to read indicator of the different phases of my cycle if i wanted to track it. This can result in a slight change to how easy I find it to orgasm - but actually matches everything I always say about using a good lubricant. It should be the first thing anyone uses ‘in the bedroom’ and vaginal wetness/dryness isn’t an indicator of how turned on you are but often just your hormones!

At the time for writing this I have been free from hormonal contraceptives for 1 month. It is a jourrney that I never expected to go on and yet here I am. I guess it is something I had never thought of. In my teens and twenties it was just the done thing. Take this every day. It will alter the balance of your body in order to stop you getting pregnant. And although I am so grateful for those pills/implants, they gave me control and the ability to enjoy my sexuality without fear; it is a liberating to be without. To feel my body change, through the cycles. I look forward to being able to map and track my cycle. And discover my normal!

We are now living in Contraceptive Freedom. In a monogamous marriage. In which we were both STI tested. Knowing that our sexual activity wont result in pregnancy. Risk free. This is what works for us. Who we are now. And perhaps who will forever be.

Sex Debbie